Energy Services

  • Sound and Therapeutic Energy Healing

    Release physical and emotional pain patterns. Rebalancing your body’s energy levels

    We think we are helpless about our health; no, we are healing beings.

    Tibetan singing bowls are placed on your body. When they are sounded, they reverberate through every cells. When the bowls are sounded in a specific order, they create healing - in body, mind, spirit and energy.

    Janice uses sound healing with Therapeutic Touch, and her medical intuitive sense, to direct the Qigong and Source energy flowing through her. The result is deep relaxation and release of physical and emotional pain.

    Introductory 90-Minute Session - $120

    Subsequent 60-min Sessions - $160

    10 1-Hour sessions, $1424.00 (11% Off)

  • Source Guidance & Spirit Channeling

    Connect to energies and beings beyond your experience.

    Having several near-death experiences, Janice Messino is a spiritual channel between this world and The Light.

    Use Janice’s energetic gifts to help resolve family trauma, reconnect with loved ones, and release generational programming.

    Complementary connection with insights in a 20-min session.

    In-person and distance healing sessions - One 30-min session - $75
    10 30-min sessions - $667 (11% discount)